Silent Film's First Vampire

Nosferatu the Vampyre is a classic silent film, released in 1922. Now, silent films are not typically accessible to modern audiences. But this one stands out as a great exception because of its iconic nature and memorable plot. Even though Nosferatu is primarily spoken in German, it’s still easily understood by English-speaking moviegoers. The primary reason why this film stands out from so many others is because of its unique subject matter. It’s about vampires! Who knew that such an unusual topic would ever be the subject of a film (let alone a successful one)? Well, we can thank Bram Stoker for that inspiration. You can see how much inspiration he gave them when watching the movie for themselves. While most movies about vampires don’t mention names or give specific characters from Stoker’s book, “Nosferatu” does both with remarkable detail. You see, there are obvious similarities between Count Orlock and Count Dracula.

Original Vampire Silent Movie

Who Made "Nosferatu"?

"Nosferatu" (or "Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie des Grauens") was directed by German filmmaker Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau. Murnau was a well-known filmmaker in his day and made several other successful silent films including “The Last Laugh”. What’s interesting is that “Nosferatu” was the second adaptation of Stoker’s famous novel. The first adaptation was put out in 1910 and was in English. But obviously, Murnau felt that the story would be better told in German. And he was right.

Synopsis of “Nosferatu”

While the plot of Nosferatu is very similar to that of Stoker’s Dracula, it’s important to note that the characters in this film are not the same. That’s because Murnau wanted to tell the story in a German setting, with German characters. He simply borrowed the story from Stoker because he knew it would be successful. He was right. But the story still bears mentioning because it’s too iconic to be ignored. A young real-estate agent travels to a foreign land and purchases a home from a mysterious man. He travels there by sea and is affected by strange dreams and visions. During his journey, he meets a man named Knock who tells him about the true history behind the house. He informs him that it was once owned by someone who would lure people there and steal their blood. Nosferatu. The real-estate agent buys the home and brings his wife to live there. Unfortunately, Nosferatu still resides in the home. He shapeshifts into a bat and escapes to find new blood. The real-estate agent breaks the curse on the home by destroying the house by fire. This kills Nosferatu, too.

Why is Nosferatu a Silent Film?

Now, you may be wondering why such a film relies on dialogue. After all, it’s a film about vampires. The creatures are silent. So why is a film about them silent? There are a few reasons. One is that the film is set in Germany, but it was made in the USA. Most of the cast were American actors. The other reason is that the film is set in the early 1900s. This was a time before voice recording devices were invented. So when you watch the film, you can see how the filmmakers adapted their work to suit the technology of the day. Characters use writing to communicate (mostly letters), but they also use bells and whistles to make certain sounds.

What You Can Learn from “Nosferatu”

- Nosferatu is a great example of early filmmaking. Several techniques and tricks have been used for decades. Filmmakers will still use them today. - Sound is very important. Even if you’re not watching a fully fleshed out sound film, you can be served by sound. It provides context and can help guide the audience. - Don’t be afraid to use subtitles. You don’t need perfect audio quality to make a great film. - A vampire story is a great way to start your career. It’s unique enough to attract attention, but not so unique that people will get confused. - Adapting another writer’s work is a great way to get your foot in the door. You can even change a few things here and there to make it more relevant to your audience. - Film is a visual medium. You can convey a great deal through images.

Where Can You Watch the Full Movie?

There are a few websites where you can watch the full version of this film, but you will have to search for them. The final option is to watch a condensed version that’s less than an hour long. This is a great option for those who have little time to spare. You can watch the condensed version on YouTube for free. Now, there are several different versions of this film out there. Many are cut or have missing scenes. There is also a colorized version of "Nosferatu" that was released in the 1980s.

Bottom line

"Nosferatu" is a unique and iconic silent film. It has remained relevant and popular since it was first released in 1922. This is due in part to its iconic nature and the retelling of the Dracula story. Not only is the plot interesting but so are the visuals. This film is a great example of early filmmaking and the importance of sound. It is also a good example of how a writer’s work can be reinterpreted and modified for a new audience.